Christmas Day Service 10am

Here are some details on what to expect as we gather in the building to celebrate Christmas.

Masks- Masks are now required when entering the building and are to be worn during services. The guidance allows for masks to be removed while singing but it should be noted that singing does pose an increase risk of spread and we would ask everyone to be considerate of others in any decision they make.

Seating- The main hall will be set out with an increased spacing between rows. Windows will also be opened for ventilation so as it gets colder please dress appropriately.

Back hall- this room will be set out with seats further apart and in household groups. The service will be shown on the screen in this room via a video link. Windows will be opened in this room for ventilation.

Refreshments- will be served in the back hall and the foyer after the service.

Other details– we will not be passing the bags for an offering but will have collection buckets around the building which can be used.


Dec 25 2021


10:00 am


Etnam Street, HR6 8AJ